Somehow it wasn't as easy as it used to be
to conclude the year with a post
But I'll try
As I try to think of a word to describe 2009,
Let's just say it's either limited vocabulary
or it's beyond words
Just can't seem to find a word
that is able to encapsulate the year gone by.
Many things transpired the past year
More than I expected
And perhaps more than I hoped for
in both positive and negative ways
Mentioned earlier on in the year
but even as I conclude the year
I realise it's a lesson that I've learnt
and am still learning
The lesson of
letting goLetting go of securities
comfort zones
Just things that you didn't realise you depended on
till it was taken away
whether by choice or not
Some were easier to do so than others
Succeeded for some
while failed others
But I realise that the reason for it
is the same for all
To let God have His way in my life
Things that I was used to were taken away
to allow me to entrust the unknown
to the God made known to me
People that I depended on were taken away
to turn my eyes back to Him
to realise that He is the source of everything
to have my sole dependence on Him alone
Even as I type this
I realise that I've not thorughly learnt all these lessons
but am still in the progress of it.
The secret of life is in letting go
Bit by bit,
I'm discovering this secret
and the reason behind it.